FIMAC Partners
Castellar International Mandolin Festival
Our official partners
Discover all the institutional and private partners who have supported and participated in the Castellar International Mandolin Festival for many years.

Thank you to the merchants of the Menton country and elsewhere:
- Autosécurité du Careï
- Bijouterie Castellani
- Butchery Caveriviere
- Ekina Cattery
- Coco fruit
- Hairdresser Max
- Côté Cuisine
- Eau de Menton
- Hôtel Princess & Richmond
- Jérémy’ Stores
- La Fibre 06
- Les confitures Herbin
- Marchetti
- Peugeot, Grand Garage du Mentonnais
- Prince de Galles, Vêtements Homme
- Riviera Motors
- Suncoo
- Univers de la BD
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Have a question about the festival or how to buy tickets? Ask here and we will respond as soon as possible.